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Don't let the festive season distract you from your job search!

As we near the end of November the focus on Christmas and New Year becomes apparent but what does that mean for job seekers? 
Firstly, I want to bust a myth that job opportunities over the December/January festive season come to a halt! This is not at all the case… Certainly, I see job seekers drift off and give into the temptation of the holiday period. It is true that from 24 December to 2 January is really quiet, but that does not apply to all of December and January.
This very topic is something that I see year in, year out.
My biggest tip: Don’t presume there are no jobs going. 
Sure, the festive season can be pretty hectic, but it's important not to let the holiday cheer distract you from your job hunt.
Staying active during this time can actually work in your favour, as many job seekers tend to get wrapped up in all things Christmas. So, this means less competition for you, and you'll be in a prime position to pounce on those awesome job opportunities.
PLUS, companies are moving fast as they're wanting secure talent before the New Year.
Don’t follow the masses, it’s not time for a 2 month hiatus, keep going!
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New Year, New Role, New Opportunities – Good Luck!  

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Mitchell Morley Employment
Mitchell Morley Employment